All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog using the following section names: Added, Changed, Fixed, Depreceated, Removed and Security. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Coming Changes
- Added tab option for completely custom show/hide panels
- Add more standard css variables that can be used throughout the components, qualtrics and evergage
- Added more documentation to the callouts and tooltips to clarify when to use each and how
- Add web components for add to cart and add to list functionality
- Add more documentation to the inputs and dropdowns to clarify when to use either
[0.8.10] - 1/17/25
- Added new loading indicator that can be placed inside an element with smooth and fake amination options
- Fixed font issue with overlapping Korean unicodes
- Fixed print css for dark mode text and element colors
- New messaging styles, colors and icons
- Added page to display web component examples for page layouts
- New breadcrumb styles for when not within the main content container
- New checkbox, radio, text input, and toggle styles
- New solid red and blurple tabs
- Added new data picker vanilla component
- Add option to hide code editor blocks when not necessary to be displayed
[0.8.9] - 11/15/24
- Fixed missing icons on the modal close button
[0.8.8] - 11/11/24
- Added panel version of the modal component
[0.8.7] - 10/24/24
- Tooltip attribute for icons to display hoverable tooltips from inline data-tooltip attributes
- Tooltips component added to docs with basic and html tooltip options
- Fixed issue with carousels not pulling in image into examples
[0.8.6] - 10/10/24
- Added spinner version of button adding rotating spinner element inside the button indication an active action
- Changed loading indicators mask to add opacity to all page elements
- Moved message header and details seperator to be before the details so it only shows if both exist and updated documetation to match
- Added new message simple version that take a single div tag and turns it into a message component
- Added default 100% width to nav component
- Add function to toggle a tab without reloading the page and scroll to newly opened tab if wanted
- Fixed Korean icon font issues
[0.8.5] - 8/29/24
- Increased page width to 1440px
- Fixed the classnames attached to the new two column layouts
- Removed duplicate css for new two column layouts
- Added direction:rtl css override onto breadrcumbs for when english breadcrumbs appear on hebrew language pages
- Changed dk-loading classname to add opacity over the rest of the page
- Added function to toggle the dk-loading classname on a page
- Added larger circle spinner css with dk-loading-circle classname
[0.8.4] - 8/20/24
- Added new button varient for reverse outline to use in callouts
- Fixed callouts triangles to align properly for top and bottom placements, squared off boxes and updated colors
[0.8.3] - 8/7/24
- Fixed RTL breadcrumb icon alignment
[0.8.2] - 8/6/24
- Added new classnames for search boxes, inputs with dropdowns, and inputs with value designations to the input section
- Fixed rtl alignment for div tables and table header sort icons
[0.8.1] - 7/18/24
- Fixed colors for background and triangles
- Added new board (tan) and blurple colors, updated rest of colors to new brand colors
[0.8.0] - 6/26/24
Removed capitalizaton from tabs per request from Translations.
Removed sizes xl and 2xl, and colors from Tailwind config to lessen the amount of generated css from Tailwind.
Removed max-width from the tabs.
Fixed doubled up Tailwind config file.
Fixed missing @apply classnames from old tailwind references.
Updated the product-table css to ignore first column per request from Content.
Updated the breadcrumbs mobile view limited to the highest linkable page, regular view has text overflow ellipsis and doesn't wrap.
Added dk-input class styling that can be used on standard
tags to appear like the styled dropdowns but have none of the extra functionality.Added max-width to the dk-dropdown to stop from extending off the pages when an option has a large amount of content in it.
Added new page layout options for one column in full page, 1440px max width, and 900px max width.
Added new page layout options for two columns with 3/4-1/4, 1/4-3/4, 2/3-1/3, 1/3-2/3, and 1/2-1/2 column widths and a 1440px max page width.
Added new full-bleed options of light and dark to go along with new dk-layout classnames.
Added layouts example page showing each of the different column options and how they react responsively.
Added aria-label to the modals due to checkmarx issues when it is missing.
Added data-modal-type="alert" option in modals to block site mask clicks from closing the mask and modal. Same functionality added the site mask by adding "true" to the uniqueSiteMask function.
Added initial dk-loading css to add a pulsing red bar below the header.
[0.7.2] - 11/7/23
- Added more icons to the font files.
- Added no follow meta tags to the template.
[0.7.1] - 10/17/23
- Fix to stop overriding myLists tables row coloring (temporary fix).
[0.7.0] - 10/16/23
- Dark mode changes to global css and components.
- New icons added to font.
- Updates to process documentation.
- Replace "Digi-Key" with "DigiKey".
[0.6.0] - 5/18/23
- Color changes for dark mode variables and new logo styles.
- Update css for dark mode web components.
- Update css foe dark mode vanilla components.
- Replace logo on style guide with new Digi-Key logo.
[0.5.9] - 4/13/23
- Changed folder structure and script files for the font making process.
- Added new icons for order accepted and order label search.
[0.5.8] - 4/11/23
- Added more buttons for testing on everything page.
- Fixed bad background colors on generic button styles causing hover to turn buttons white.
[0.5.7] - 2/28/23
- Added dark mode things
- Removed Market Orange example
- Added "Everything" page for easy testing
- Adjusted colors to use new color variables
- Component "dk-message" now includes card styles
[0.5.6] - 1/16/23
- Increased version number due to issue with build server.
- Increasing browser lists to accept more browsers when generating the scripts.
- Rolled back uhtml component due to issue with render functionality and dropdowns.
[0.5.2] - 12/15/22
- Fixes for dropdowns where placeholder exists but there is no selectedIndex.
[0.5.1] - 12/12/22
- Added basic message styles for use in A/B testing scenarios.
- Fixed dropdown issues with preselected and placholders being set at the same time.
- Minor text and link fixes.
[0.5.0] - 12/8/22
- Cleared out excess packages - over 130 packages removed
- Updated remaining packages
- Page formatting changes/cleanup
- Removed excess files and references
- Removed comments from scss files
- Removed excess scss files from package
- Removed excess/duplicate plugins
- Removed code editor functionality from guide pages, replaced with highlightjs for code formatting
- Fixed issue where placeholder in dropdowns would override preselected values
Main packages left to be updated include react, react-dom, rollup, mdx-js and next. These will be addressed in a future release. Other smaller packages left to update include swiper, tailwindcss and markdown-table. These all require bigger changes to use pure ESM packages and will be handled in the future.
[0.4.8] - 4/29/22
- added 5 fonts to the icon family
- added new tool to fix the svg files and convert strokes to fills
- fixed issues with the font tool due to file names and codepoint values
[0.4.7] - 4/8/22
- more updates to the wiki files for setup
- fixed a couple compiler errors on different pages
- update next-sitemap package and changed config file name to fix error
[0.4.6] - 4/4/22
- running through previous changes to make sure all if working correctly with the new builds
- fix spelling errors
- minor changes to wiki files
- changed icon file output to use the same naming as the fonts. ex: icon-paginate-first vs paginate-first.
- added icon files to the icons page
- added fonts folder to vanilla package to fix dev storybook error
- updated vanilla packages to fix storybook error with WebPack
- added header, body and footer sections to the page template doc
- fix for dk-dropdown__chosen.tsx for parentNode vs parentElement on the optionRefs() function
- added more wiki documentation
- added new component
to test out and document the process better
NOTE: Many version numbers are not listed here due to issues with the build process and trying to get things working again. There were many outdated packages and other issues stopping the builds from succeeding and most of the versions since 0.3.5 were minor changes to packages to fix this issue.
- fix for the tour dismiss text
- new local clone and build to clear out old/bad packages and errors.
- 0.4 version set will trying to fix the pipelines and build process issues.
- 0.4.1 - changed @react package.json script for build to start with npx again.
- Trying to get things to build properly again
- Many documentation changes to the components and patterns
- Font icon page now show the current font library
- many many other small changes/fixes
- merged patterns into the components, organized pages
- renamed pages to be more clear
- Added font icon tool into package
- Added font icon page
- Added quick start page
- Added "Layout" section and removed "Patterns"
- Formatting and text fixes across markdown files
- Slash division to math.div on _grid.scss
- Changed localhost port to 3003 due to conflicts with other projects
- Moved button.stories.js back into the "stories" folder
- Font size changes to checkboxes, removed focus from checkbox toggles
- CSS added back in for headline classes for use on spans
- Added min width to the web component dropdown of 100px
- Added new wiki documentation, updated current wiki documentation
[0.2.27], [0.2.28], [0.2.29] - 2021-11-16
- percentage to division (/) on _grid.scss
- meged in 0.2.26 to try and get it all working properly again, currently all builds are failing
- Extra versions are merged into this one changelog due to issues with the build process being fixed
[0.2.26] - 2021-10-19
- Docs:
- Code Snippets are collapsed by default
- Tabs: There is now a Web Component Tab
- Wc Tab: Web component tab is moved first in the docs page
- Wc Warning: Warning msg is added where WC is available
- Updated Icon Files
- Updated Marketplace Styling
- Docs,Vanilla,Web-Components:Fixed typos,broken links
- Docs: Fixed build bug
- Web components : Modal stories are changed according to the vanilla modal
[0.2.25] - 2021-08-27
- Toggle Checkbox - There is now a toggle variant of the checkbox
- Search Scraper updated
- dk-dropdown - Width now behaves like native select
- Modal - Fixed bug with mask click to close not working as expected with multiple auto modals on page.
[0.2.24] - 2021-07-21
- React package now includes define custom elements
[0.2.23] - 2021-07
- dk-dropdown - Ability for multi select
- dk-date-picker - Ability to set format for date picker
- Messaging - Updated styles and icons
- Dropdown
- -1 selectedIndex bug
- scrollToTop on filter input
[0.2.23] - 2021-07
- dk-dropdown - Ability for multi select
- dk-date-picker - Ability to set format for date picker
- Messaging - Updated styles and icons
- Dropdown
- -1 selectedIndex bug
- scrollToTop on filter input
[0.2.22] - 2021-05-27
- Updated package versions to be in sync
[0.2.21] - 2021-05-14
- Radio Label Bug
- Tabbed Sidebar
- Mobile Padding
- Typo in Docs Page
- Tabbed Sidebar - Doesn't focus button on initialization
- Date Picker
- Fixed bug where input mask wasn't updated when value was changed externally
- dkChange event now contains the string format of the date so devs don't have to use the JS date object.
- Typography - Headings now have a utility class that can be used to apply an underline style.
- Feature Tour - Feature tour WC had been added.
[0.2.20] - 2021-03-15
- Dropdown - Web-component now ready for testing a basic usage
- Grid - Small screen bug
- Applied Filter - Fixed clear all filter bug
- Breadcrumb - Use of an icon for home is now the required for the breadcrumb pattern.
- Messaging - Removed outline, added standard dropshadow
[0.2.19] - 2021-03-09
- Modal - Fixed call stack loop with modal
[0.2.18] - 2021-02-23
- Textarea - First attempt at adding a textarea.
- autoModal - Will ignore an element with
with no value. - autoModal - Now logs an error if the target of an auto modal trigger can't be found.
- Input - Removed fixed height, added font-size relative padding
- Pagination - Is now responsive with large numbers
- Input - Now has updated placeholder text color
- Checkbox/Radio - Disabled styles
[0.2.17] - 2021-02-15
- WC Modal is now ready for usage
- Better docs for web components
[0.2.16] - 2021-02-09
- Modal - Fixed some buggy styles
[0.2.15] - 2021-02-08
- Modal - Updated markup so modal can stay centered in screen and have content scroll when it is too big
- dk.collapse() - Now works like dk.modal() making it easier to open and close a collapse
- Testing new font-families.
- Beta versions of multiple Web-Components
- Applied Filters - Added applied filters component
[0.2.14] - 2020-11-17
- Tables: Added utility modifier classes: border, sizing, header, striping.
[0.2.13] - 2020-11-02
- Typography: Reverted H3 back to 12
- Layout: Fixed grid issue
[0.2.12] - 2020-10-26
- Layout: New docs for how to use the width css utility classes to make the dk-grid
- Layout Docs: Updated the docs to be more clear
- Dropdown: Updated keyboard
- Usage Docs: Updated the links for global test env
- Messaging - Now have white background instead of a grey background.
- Layout: The old grid class names have been deprecated. Please see the layout page for the new approach to the grid
- Layout: Old Push/Pull class names for the dk-grid
[0.2.11] - 2020-10-05
- Dropdown:
- Bad Render Call
- Bug in Mutation Observer
- Dropdown: fixed conditional error
- Show More pattern
- Dropdown: You can now set the placeholder text for the filter input.
- Checkboxes: No longer make use of :before pseudo element for performance reasons.
- Pagination: Fixed :hover underline on ie
- Large font-size for marketing pages
- Adjusted iOS Checkbox Placement
- Marketing Typography
- Checkbox iOS issue
- Dropdown:
- Added filter for long dropdowns
- Added option to disable inline width
- Added reset, destroy, setInlineWidth methods
- Added defensive check for select element
- Added observable complete on destroy method to prevent memory leak
- Form Layout Pattern
- Pagination: Added pagination component
- Internal EventBus Class to help unify event handling. Eventually all components that should fire events will fire them in a predictable way.
- Table Component
- Responsive Cards with tailwind breakpoint control
- Started to add tailwind
- Collapse Component
- Accordion Pattern
- Tabbed Sidebar Component
- Auto Modal now uses a unique mask
- Dropdown:
- Focus Issue
- Width
- Carousel: Removed
class being added to slides - Carousel: altered default selector so
doesn't have to be the first class - Updated:
- Typography page to MDX
- Messaging - Switched the naming of Attention, and Neutral message
- Messaging - Removed flex from dk-message
- Messaging - Changed .dk-message--warning to just adding a class of .dk-message--bgYellow to add a yellow background to a message
- Removed Symbol polyfill
- Removed µhtml
- Bug fix for modal
- Nav/Tab - Vertically centered more text with new option
- Bug Fixes
- Messaging - Refined spacing
- Carousel - Auto hide pagination if there is only one slide
- Modals
- Update method
- Overflow now uses popper.js
- RxJS is now used to throttle and debounce updating of the overflow -Tab - Select Open tap by query param
Typography - Added two utility classes
- .dk-overline
- .dk-uppercase
- Placeholder is now available
- Container width now sync to width of original select element
- Passes classes from select on to the dropdown container and keeps them in sync
- Allow for pre-selecting an option
- Error State
- Disabled
- Two way sync of selection
- Listens for new options added to select element then rebuilds custom options
- Max-width get's updated when new options are added
- The dropdown JS class get's attached to the select element so you can run update method off of it
- RxJS is now used to help keep things in sync and make the dropdown classes more declarative
A function has been added to the internal library to help make sure selecting elements for vanilla js components can be uniform.
- Links - Change underline from border to a text-decoration: underline
- Tab
- Underline width made thicker
- Updated underline color-
- Form Elements
- Changed the border color of inputs from #444 to #CCC
- Removed max-width on input
- Added grouping classes for inputs, checkboxes, and radios
- Changed Error message class
- Added ability to group multiple inputs into one group and apply an error to the whole group
added z-index: 1- .dk-link works on all elements
- Change .dk-text-lg to .dk-text—lg
- Breadcrumbs
- Nav component
- A grid component under layout
- Carousel
You can now target carousels by any selector that can be used in
to init your carousels. There is now arandomStart
option. If you set this to true the carousel will init on a random slide. - Started a CSS utilities page * full-bleed css utility
- Moved JS Utilities to a new utilities section
- Form Elements defect
- Checkbox defect
- Removed Border from full-bleed
Internal - Added
- Added clean html playground to test components outside of documentation app
- Bundled assets now have their version number and bundle date added as a comment at the top of the document
[0.2.4] - 2019-09-20
Internal - Added
- Router is now declarative making adding new pages and routes much easier
- Search now scrapes both React and Vanilla pages
Internal - Changed
- Updated the urls so that the library name is in the url
- Search now has library in the search dropdown
- Updated docs to fix errors
[0.2.3] - 2019-08-16
Internal - Added
- Icon: Now links to outside page
- Now MDX files can be used to create pages
- Started to change over pages to MDX files
[0.2.2] - 2019-08-12
Internal - Added
- Content Search
- Updated Design
[0.2.1] - 2019-08-05
- Fixed Button defects
- Fixed Card defects
- Fixed Radio & Checkbox defects
Internal - Added
- New section system to automatically register sections with the the section nav for easy on going maintenance. (Section Nav has been disabled until the new sidebar design is implemented)
- Scrollspy for section nav
- Live Code Editor
[0.2.0] - 2019-06-18
- Creation of React Components Button Tab Checkbox Radio Button Input Dropdown Multi Select Images Tooltips Carousel
- Form inputs and labels should now be wrapped together in a class of
- Button styles have been overhauled to be more comprehensive.
Internal - Added
- New component (ExampleSnippet) that takes its children, renders the component and then renders the code in a code block. Thus allowing for better synchronization between a component example and the code used to make it.
- Basic components can now have vanilla version generated from React component by using the ExampleSnippet component with the vanilla prop set to true.
- A Prop API json file can now be generated with react-docgen by running the script "build:doc". This script looks for the propTypes on all exported components in a file and that file can be used with the new ApiTable react component to generate a table with information on the components api.
- Started to document internal components used in the style guide.
- LibraryDocTab component that makes use of the TabContext so the user can set a default library that they want to have open.
Internal - Changes
- Components are now named exports from the lib folder. Now you can just import from lib and you can extract what you need.
- Ejected react-scripts for greater flexibility and control over the documentation
- Project structure changed. Now there is a lib folder that contains all files related to the design system. Thus allowing for separation of the documentation and design system components.
- Pages no longer require path property because if one doesn't exist it creates one based on the page title. You can still override this default behavior by supplying a path property.
[0.1.0] - 2019-04-24
- Now adding version numbers to files for easier tracking of what is changed from revision to revision.
- Vanilla JS carousel
- All pages are now based on react components so they are easier to maintain.
- Refined the tabs so you no longer need to use
<a href>
tags which fixes the behavior of jumping to the top on click.
- jQuery as dependency