
To request adding new icons to the icon library email dl_Front_End_Developers@digikey.com. When requesting icons to be added please include the icon (svg file or link to the icon source) and a link to the project mockup/design showing the icon in use.

Font Icons

Font icons are visually similar to image file icons but can have css applied to them for different effect including but not limited to color, size and placement. CSS that can be applied to text on a webpage can be applied to a font icon. These are not a replacement for all icons but for icons used globally within text placements they work wonderfully.

To use these icons add the icon classname to an element like so: <span class="icon-squirrel"></span> or use the icon entity &#xf0b2; as text. Icons can have css applied to them for color, size, position and animation. Icons are available on any page with the global.css and font-css files on it.

These icons can also be manually put into the css of an individual page using the css content property along with extra formatting css for sizing and placement. Example of the content property: content: "\f005". This method should only be used for more specialized instances like overlaying icons for hover effects.

Note any icons currently being used in a project that begin with the letter "d" need to be replaced with the new codes below.

Image Icons

The icon library is also available as PNG files in black, white, and red with transparent backgrounds in 128x128 pixel dimensions. Image icons use the same naming as the font icons with the addition of _red or _white for the color specific versions. Example: https://www.digikey.com/-/media/Designer/Global/Icons/icon-alarm_red.png. Report and missing png icons to dl_Front_End_Developers@digikey.com.

Tooltips For Help Icons

Tooltips can be added below any icon but requires use of the html entity version and two attributes in the parent element. Attributes data-tooltip containing the message for the tooltip and data-tooltip-position containing the side the tooltip is displayed on are both required. The value in the data-tooltip can only be text and no extra styling or elements can be added within the tooltip.

For more examples and tooltip options see tooltips

Code Example:

    Text that is not clear enough on its own and requires some additional explanation: 
        data-tooltip="More text that will display on hover.">

Code Preview:

Available Icons


icon-arrow-down or #xe92d
icon-arrow-left or #xe92e
icon-arrow-right or #xe92f
icon-arrow-up or #xe930
icon-upload-bottom or #xe931
icon-paginate-first or #xe90d
icon-paginate-previous or #xf104
icon-paginate-next or #xf105
icon-paginate-last or #xe913
icon-angle-up or #xf106
icon-angle-down or #xf107
icon-sorting or #xe914
icon-sorting-desc or #xe915
icon-sorting-asc or #xe916
icon-angle-double-left or #xf100
icon-angle-double-right or #xf101
icon-angle-double-up or #xf102
icon-angle-double-down or #xf103
icon-chevron-left or #xe90f
icon-chevron-right or #xe910
icon-chevron-up or #xe911
icon-chevron-down or #xe90e
icon-chevron-left-circle or #xf137
icon-chevron-right-circle or #xf138
icon-chevron-up-circle or #xf139
icon-chevron-down-circle or #xf13a
icon-arrow-left-circle or #xf0a8
icon-arrow-right-circle or #xf0a9
icon-arrow-up-circle or #xf0aa
icon-arrow-down-circle or #xf0ab
icon-caret-left or #xf0d9
icon-caret-right or #xf0da
icon-caret-up or #xf0d8
icon-caret-down or #xf0d7
icon-triangle-left or #xf044
icon-triangle-right or #xf05d
icon-triangle-up or #xf0af
icon-triangle-down or #xf05c
icon-sort or #xf0dc
icon-sort-asc or #xf0de
icon-sort-desc or #xf0dd
icon-download or #xe905

Audio, Video

icon-play-circle or #xea15
icon-play or #xea1c
icon-pause or #xea1d
icon-stop or #xea1e
icon-backward or #xea1f
icon-forward or #xea20
icon-first or #xea21
icon-last or #xea22
icon-previous or #xea23
icon-next or #xea24
icon-eject or #xea25
icon-high or #xea26
icon-medium or #xea27
icon-low or #xea28
icon-mute or #xea2a
icon-volume-increase or #xea2b
icon-volume-decrease or #xea2c
icon-loop or #xea2d
icon-reload or #xea2e
icon-infinite or #xea2f
icon-shuffle or #xea30


icon-marketplace or #xe91b
icon-group or #xe901
icon-user or #xf007
icon-user-circle or #xf2bd
icon-user-circle-outline or #xf2be
icon-id-card or #xf2c2
icon-id-card-outline or #xf2c3
icon-newspaper or #xe904
icon-credit-card or #xf09d
icon-calc or #xe909
icon-calculator or #xf1ec
icon-barcode or #xe937
icon-qrcode or #xe938
icon-qrcode-blank or #xf029
icon-building-outline or #xf0f7
icon-building or #xf1ad
icon-tag or #xf02c
icon-tags or #xf02d
icon-locked or #xf023
icon-unlocked or #xf13e
icon-lock or #xf06b
icon-lock-circle or #xf23e
icon-cloud-download or #xf0ed
icon-cloud-upload or #xf0ee
icon-file-pdf or #xeadf
icon-file-text or #xf0f6
icon-pencil or #xf040
icon-pencil-square or #xf045
icon-check or #xf00c
icon-check-square or #xf046
icon-check-circle or #xf058
icon-question or #xf128
icon-question-circle or #xf059
icon-info-circle or #xf05a
icon-exclamation-circle or #xf06a
icon-exclamation-triangle or #xf071
icon-check-circle-filled or #xe93c
icon-info-circle-filled or #xe93d
icon-exclamation-triangle-filled or #xe93e
icon-calendar or #xf073
icon-calendar-check or #xf274
icon-bar-chart or #xf0080
icon-copy or #xf0c5
icon-paperclip or #xf0c6
icon-starburst or #xf0a4
icon-new-starburst or #xe90c
icon-toolbox or #xf0b1
icon-stack or #xe906
icon-trademark or #xf25c
icon-registered or #xf25d
icon-creative-commons or #xf25e
icon-returns or #xe91e
icon-free-circle or #xe923
icon-shipment-cash or #xe925
icon-shipment-lock or #xe926
icon-order-accepted or #xe927
icon-order-label-search or #xe928
icon-dollar-international or #xe92a
icon-dollar-circle or #xe935
icon-payment-bill or #xe939
icon-abacus or #xe932
icon-billboard or #xe933
icon-market-share or #xe936
icon-reel or #xe93a


icon-cart or #xf07b
icon-shopping-cart or #xf07a
icon-cart-full or #xe934
icon-laptop-shopping-cart or #xe917
icon-cart-plus or #xf217
icon-cart-arrow-down or #xf218
icon-cart-search or #xe91c
icon-shopping-basket or #xf291
icon-search or #xf02e
icon-magnify-glass or #xe986
icon-zoom-in or #xe987
icon-zoom-out or #xe988
icon-trash or #xe9ac
icon-filter or #xe900
icon-sliders or #xf1de
icon-leaf, icon-leaf-straight or #xe921


icon-share or #xf1e0
icon-share-square or #xf1e1
icon-link or #xe9cb
icon-chain or #xf0c1
icon-star-empty or #xe9d7
icon-star-half or #xe9d8
icon-star-full or #xe9d9
icon-rss or #xea9b
icon-rss-square or #xea9c
icon-bullhorn or #xf0a1
icon-dialpad or #xe903
icon-mobile-phone or #xf10b
icon-phone or #xe91f
icon-chat or #xf02b
icon-discussion or #xf04f
icon-envelope or #xf0e0
icon-mail or #xf03b
icon-email-read or #xe929


icon-plus or #xf067
icon-plus-circle or #xf055
icon-minus or #xf068
icon-minus-circle or #xf056
icon-asterisk or #xf069
icon-close or #xf00d
icon-close-circle or #xf057

Menus, Lists, and Grids

icon-bars or #xe918
icon-align-left or #xf036
icon-menu-offset or #xe902
icon-list-four or #xf039
icon-list-ul or #xf0ca
icon-list-ul-square or #xf03a
icon-list-ol or #xf0cb
icon-menu or #xe922
icon-menu-opt-2 or #xf0c9
icon-list-add or #xe03b
icon-list-check or #xe907
icon-grid-four or #xf009
icon-grid-nine or #xf00a
icon-grid-list or #xf00b
icon-sitemap or #xf0e8
icon-ellipsis-horizontal or #xf141
icon-ellipsis-vertical or #xf142
icon-home or #xf015


icon-spinner or #xe97a
icon-spinner-1-dot or #xe97b
icon-spinner-lines or #xe97c
icon-spinner-2-dots or #xe982
icon-spinner-4-dots or #xe983
icon-cog or #xe994


icon-alert-triangle or #xe919
icon-alarm-bell or #xe91a
icon-bomb or #xf1e2
icon-alarm or #xe950
icon-clock or #xe951
icon-floppy or #xf0c7
icon-globe or #xf0ac
icon-mug or #xe9a2
icon-goat or #xe924
icon-kirby_tree or #xe984
icon-owl or #xe93f
icon-printer or #xe954
icon-puzzle or #xf0c0
icon-recycle or #xf1b8
icon-shield or #xf132
icon-squirrel or #xf0b2
icon-truck or #xf0d1
icon-wheelchair or #xf193
icon-resistor or #xe908
icon-circuit-chat or #xe90a
icon-maker-logo or #xe90b
icon-camera or #xe912
icon-photo-framed or #xf03e
icon-map-marker or #xf041
icon-insert-template or #xea72
icon-file-double or #xe91d
icon-stats-ascend or #xe920
icon-google or #xe92b
icon-usb-drive or #xe92c
icon-eye or #xe93b

Animated Icons

Adding in the class of icon-rotation or icon-stepper will make the icons turn in a circle. Icons will appear to jump around if the size of the element they are attached to has different dimensions than the icon. Adjustments will need to be made in your project to fix this utilizing transform-origin in your css.

icon-cog icon-rotation
icon-cog icon-stepper

Rotating and Flipping Icons

Adding the following classes will turn or flip the icons. If icons don't rotate as expected make sure the element is set to block or inline-block to make it work.

icon-mug icon-90
icon-mug icon-180
icon-mug icon-270
icon-mug icon-flip
icon-mug icon-mirror

Local Development

Font files are served from Sitecore and come with the global.css files through the sandwich service. The fonts should display properly as long as the url origin for development is digikey (for example local.digikey.com). If your project doesn't use the global files or doesn't follow the necessary url structure then you will need to download and add the font files to your project. Note your local development will not automatically get font updates and will require a manual update with future font files. To request the files needed for local development email dl_Front_End_Developers@digikey.com..