Callout | Web Component


Use properties and attributes to control the web component as well as pass required data to it. Some properties won't have an attribute name, this is because to use that property you can't use it as an html attribute it must be set using javascript as a property of the element.

backTextback-textSet what text should be in the button that is used for the back actionstringnull
dismissTextdismiss-textSet what text should be in the button that is used for the dismiss actionstringnull
isOpenopenThis prop reflects the open/closed state of the callout. You can set this property to control if the callout is opened or closed.booleanfalse
nextTextnext-textSet what text should be in the button that is used for the next actionstringnull
placementplacementThe side of the target that the callout should try to attach to"auto" | "auto-end" | "auto-start" | "bottom" | "bottom-end" | "bottom-start" | "left" | "left-end" | "left-start" | "right" | "right-end" | "right-start" | "top" | "top-end" | "top-start""right"
targettargetTarget element for the callout to attach to. Use a CSS selector.string
tourIdtour-idThe id of a tour element that the callout should start when the correct button is pressedstringnull


dkStepCloseEvent fired when the callout opensany
dkStepOpenEvent fired when the callout opensany